(set: $restartDisplay to 1)
(set: $gameEnd to false)
(if: $played is true)[
(set: $condoms to 0)
(set: $exposedCount to 0)
(set: $round to 1)
(set: $hidingIntro to 0)
(set: $noSearchPower to 0)
(set: $extraCondomPower to 0)
(set: $STI to 0)
(set: $jailCount to 0)
(set: $homeCount to 0)
(set: $caughtCount to 0)
(set: $characterDeckShuffled to (rotated: 1, ...$characterDeckShuffled))
(set: $characterNumber to $characterDeckShuffled's (1))
(set: $moneyDeckShuffled to (shuffled: ...$moneyDeck))
(set: $money to $moneyDeckShuffled's (1))
(set: $moneyDeckShuffled to (rotated: 1, ...$moneyDeckShuffled))
(if: $characterNumber is 1)[
(set: $name to 'JoJo')
(set: $healthGoal to 'avoid a sexually transmitted infection')(set: $financialGoal to 'to support you and your boyfriend and to save up for hormone replacement therapy')
(set: $characterSafety to 'You made a point of getting to know the other sex workers on the street. They alerted you to the where the police were and you were able to avoid being searched.')
(set: $characterExtraCondom to 'You have gotten to know other transgender sex workers on the street, including one who calls herself the condom lady. Tonight she is hanging out at a coffee shop near the street where you are work so you stop by and she gives you a condom.')
(set: $profile to 'You are a 28-year-old transgender female who lives with your boyfriend. He has been out of work for a couple of months now so that is definitely a stress on your finances. But that is not why you are a sex worker. You choose to be a sex worker because you would rather be on the street where you know where you stand with clients than in a job where a boss can disrespect you and your gender. Right now, you are trying to save money for hormone replacement therapy as part of your transition. That is something you have waited a long time for and you do not want to wait any longer.')
<div class="jojo character"><h1 class="name">''$name''</h1></div>
Hi, ''$name''. (print: $profile)
}{(if: $characterNumber is 2)[
(set: $name to 'Naomi')
(set: $healthGoal to 'avoid a sexually transmitted infection')(set: $financialGoal to 'to pay for your daughter’s school fees and your household needs')
(set: $characterSafety to 'You have been working on the street selling sex for six years and you know some of the police officers who patrol the area. You have learned how to handle yourself even when the police are intimidating. So today when familiar officers stop and try to search you and demand a cut of the money you made so far today, you talk your way out of it and get them to leave you alone.')
(set: $characterExtraCondom to 'You convince this sympathetic client to buy a condom.')
(set: $profile to 'You are 35-years-old. You’ve been working as a sex worker for the past 6 years – ever since your husband left you with a child to raise and all the bills to pay. Your daughter is 8-years-old now and she’s very important to you. You do everything you can to pay her school fees, keep her in school and stay afloat. You do sex work to make ends meet and you’ve managed so far, but when you’re out on the street you worry about your health, about violent clients, and about dishonest cops. You try not to show it, you try to project a strong image, but you worry a lot.')
<div class="naomi character"><h1 class="name">''$name''</h1></div>
Hi, ''$name''. (print: $profile)
}{(if: $characterNumber is 3)[
(set: $name to 'Billy')
(set: $healthGoal to 'avoid a sexually transmitted infection')(set: $financialGoal to 'to repay your debt to your cousin and pay your rent')
(set: $characterSafety to 'An outreach worker, who has been handing out condoms and information to you and other sex workers on the street for a couple years, just received her law degree. She gave you her new business card to show to the police and it worked: they stopped threatening to search and arrest you and instead left.')
(set: $characterExtraCondom to 'You’re a quick thinker and fast talker, and you convince this client to buy a condom.')
(set: $profile to 'You turned 50 last month so that makes you one of the older male sex workers out on the corner these days. But you’ve still got your looks and your wits. You could say you’re a survivor. You’ve just always had a knack for getting yourself out of trouble, and it’s not always easy. Last year a group of cops attacked you and called you names. They beat you up and hurt you so badly you needed knee surgery. Your cousin lent you the money for the operation, and you still need to pay him back.')
<div class="billy character"><h1 class="name">''$name''</h1></div>
Hi, ''$name''. (print: $profile)
(if: $characterNumber is 4)[
(set: $name to 'Suzy')
(set: $healthGoal to 'avoid a sexually transmitted infection')(set: $financialGoal to 'to cover your expenses, save for the hair salon, and send some money back home')
(set: $characterSafety to 'The outreach workers who visit your street passed out cards to inform sex workers about their rights when they are stopped by police. You read the card carefully so you remind the police of your rights when they tried to harass and search you today.')
(set: $characterExtraCondom to 'This repeat client offers to buy condoms this time.')
(set: $profile to 'You used to do other kinds of work in the sex industry, like working at an escort service and as an exotic dancer. Now you’re earning a living selling sex on the street. You’ve never really made enough money to get to a stable financial place in your life, so now that you’re 47-years-old you’re looking at ways to earn more money. You’d really like to open a hair salon so you don’t have to rely on sex work alone for your income – and you think you’d be pretty good at running your own business. Meanwhile, you’re trying to put a little something aside to help out your younger brother and sister so that maybe things will be easier for them than they’ve been for you.')
<div class="suzy character"><h1 class="name">''$name''</h1></div>
Hi, ''$name''. (print: $profile)
(if: $characterNumber is 5)[
(set: $name to 'Danny')
(set: $healthGoal to 'avoid a sexually transmitted infection')(set: $financialGoal to 'to cover your basic needs and save for the first month’s rent on a room')
(set: $characterSafety to 'A group counselor at the shelter where you’re staying gives you advice on how to avoid a confrontation with police who insult you because of your gender presentation. You use these techniques effectively when the police approach you today and avoid a search.')
(set: $characterExtraCondom to 'You have become good friends with a fellow transgender sex worker. She likes you and gives you one of her extra condoms.')
(set: $profile to 'You’re a 23-year-old transgender woman, who has been working on the street selling sex for about 3 years. You ran away from home when you were 17 - you had your reasons. You crashed with friends for a while, but now you’re living in a shelter here in the city. You don’t like living in the shelter, people take your stuff, there are fights, and if you miss curfew they lock you out and then you have to pay for a motel or sleep on the street. You hope your situation changes and soon.')
<div class="danny character"><h1 class="name">''$name''</h1></div>
Hi, ''$name''. (print: $profile)
(if: $characterNumber is 6)[
(set: $name to 'Ivy')
(set: $healthGoal to 'avoid a sexually transmitted infection')(set: $financialGoal to 'to repay your debt and save money for a computer class')
(set: $characterSafety to 'You recently took a sex worker rights training course at the local legal aid clinic and you learned that the police have to have a good reason to stop and search you. You use what you learned in the course and talked your way out of being searched by the police today.')
(set: $characterExtraCondom to 'You go to the local health clinic and the nurse on duty gives you a condom without any questions or problems.')
(set: $profile to 'As a young woman, you can make pretty good money on the street. You sometimes get repeat clients, so that helps. A lot of your money goes to drugs, though, so sometimes you reach the end of the month and can’t pay rent. It happened last month and you had to borrow money from a friend. However, you’re looking to get all squared away this month, and you think you can do it. <br />
You sometimes get clean needles or condoms from the outreach workers when they come around. You have a lot of respect for what they do on the street for sex workers, handing out condoms, giving people information about their rights, and getting sex workers to share their bad date lists. There needs to be more of that and you can see yourself working for one of the NGOs that does outreach with sex workers. But first you’ll need some computer skills and a little more education.')
<div class="ivy character"><h1 class="name">''$name''</h1></div>
Hi, ''$name''. (print: $profile)
[[Continue ->Character Goals]]<a href="http://lienbtran.com/games/cops-rubbers" target="_blank"><img class="logo" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/logo.png" alt="Cops and Rubbers logo" /></a>
{(if: $played is true)[''Thank you for playing //Cops and Rubbers//!''<br /><br />]<section class="info">
''Cops and Rubbers'' was designed by ''<a href="http://lienbtran.com" target="_blank" />Lien Tran</a>'' with the generous support of ''<a href="https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org" target="_blank" />Open Society Foundations</a>'' to raise awareness for the condoms as evidence issue.}
<br /><br />
To learn more about //Cops and Rubbers//, please visit:
* <a href="http://www.copsandrubbers.com" target="_blank" />http://copsandrubbers.com</a>
* <a href="http://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/publications/cops-rubbers" target="_blank" />http://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/publications/cops-rubbers</a>
* <a href="http://lienbtran.com/games/cops-rubbers" target="_blank" />http://lienbtran.com/games/cops-rubbers</a>
To learn more about the condoms as evidence issue, please visit:
* <a href="https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/reports/criminalizing-condoms" target="_blank" />https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/reports/criminalizing-condoms</a></section>
Ready to spread the word about the real world consequences of criminalizing condoms?
* <a href="http://ctt.ec/P7270" target="_blank" />Click here to tweet!</a>
(if: $played is false)[[[Click to play //Cops and Rubbers// ->Assign Character]]
](else:)[[[Play again as another character ->Assign Character]]]{
(if: $name is "JoJo")[
<div class="jojo character"><h1 class="name">''$name''</h1></div>
](else-if: $name is "Naomi")[
<div class="naomi character"><h1 class="name">''$name''</h1></div>
](else-if: $name is "Billy")[
<div class="billy character"><h1 class="name">''$name''</h1></div>
](else-if: $name is "Suzy")[
<div class="suzy character"><h1 class="name">''$name''</h1></div>
](else-if: $name is "Ivy")[
<div class="ivy character"><h1 class="name">''$name''</h1></div>
<div class="danny character"><h1 class="name">''$name''</h1></div>]
(set: $showHeader to true)
(set: $outreachDeck to (a: 1,2,3,4,5,6))(set: $outreachDeckShuffled to (shuffled: ...$outreachDeck))(set: $currOutreach to $outreachDeckShuffled's (1))
}//In many countries, particularly those affected by the condoms as evidence policy, there are ''outreach workers'' who help provide important information and services to sex workers, including ''providing condoms'', which can help you (print: $healthGoal).//
(either: "$name, let's see what your local outreach worker is up to tonight.", "Time to check in with your local outreach worker.")
(if: $currOutreach is 1)[
[[Continue -> OutreachOne]]
](else-if: $currOutreach is 2)[
[[Continue -> OutreachTwo]]
](else-if: $currOutreach is 3)[
[[Continue -> OutreachThree]]
](else-if: $currOutreach is 4)[
[[Continue -> OutreachFour]]
](else-if: $currOutreach is 5)[
[[Continue -> OutreachFive]]
(else-if: $currOutreach is 6 and $round < 3)[
(set: $outreachDeckShuffled's 1st to $outreachDeckShuffled's 5th)
(set: $outreachDeckShuffled's 5th to 6)
(set: $currOutreach to $outreachDeckShuffled's (1))
(if: $currOutreach is 1)[
[[Continue -> OutreachOne]]
](else-if: $currOutreach is 2)[
[[Continue -> OutreachTwo]]
](else-if: $currOutreach is 3)[
[[Continue -> OutreachThree]]
](else-if: $currOutreach is 4)[
[[Continue -> OutreachFour]]
](else-if: $currOutreach is 5)[
[[Continue -> OutreachFive]]
[[Continue -> OutreachSix]]
(set: $outreachDeckShuffled to (rotated: 1, ...$outreachDeckShuffled))
}(set: $condoms to $condoms + 1)<img class="condom" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/condom.png" alt="health right condom" /><div class="outreach">The outreach worker gives you a condom and reminds you that on Wednesday afternoons her organization hosts a weekly meeting for sex workers on various health-related issues. She invites you to attend and asks you to please spread the word.
(if: $hidingIntro is 0 and $played is false)[
[[Continue -> Hiding Intro]]
] (else:)[
[[Continue -> Hide]]
Luckily you worked last night so you've already earned ''$(print:$money)'' towards your financial goal (print:$financialGoal).
You have 6 more nights to work and earn this money.
(if: $played is false)[[[Continue -> Outreach Worker intro]]
] (else:)[(set: $showHeader to true)(set: $outreachDeckShuffled to (shuffled: ...$outreachDeck))(set: $currOutreach to $outreachDeckShuffled's (1))
<br />
(if: $currOutreach is 1)[
[[Continue -> OutreachOne]]
](else-if: $currOutreach is 2)[
[[Continue -> OutreachTwo]]
](else-if: $currOutreach is 3)[
[[Continue -> OutreachThree]]
](else-if: $currOutreach is 4)[
[[Continue -> OutreachFour]]
](else-if: $currOutreach is 5)[
[[Continue -> OutreachFive]]
(else-if: $currOutreach is 6 and $round < 3)[
(set: $outreachDeckShuffled's 1st to $outreachDeckShuffled's 5th)
(set: $outreachDeckShuffled's 5th to 6)
(set: $currOutreach to $outreachDeckShuffled's (1))
(if: $currOutreach is 1)[
[[Continue -> OutreachOne]]
](else-if: $currOutreach is 2)[
[[Continue -> OutreachTwo]]
](else-if: $currOutreach is 3)[
[[Continue -> OutreachThree]]
](else-if: $currOutreach is 4)[
[[Continue -> OutreachFour]]
](else-if: $currOutreach is 5)[
[[Continue -> OutreachFive]]
[[Continue -> OutreachSix]]
(set: $outreachDeckShuffled to (rotated: 1, ...$outreachDeckShuffled))
(set: $condoms to $condoms + 1)<img class="condom" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/condom.png" alt="health right condom" /><div class="outreach">The outreach worker passes out condoms and warns you that she’s heard from other sex workers that the police are particularly active tonight and that there may be raids. She gives you the address of a local drop-in center and says that you are welcome to stop by at any point during the night if things get tense.
(if: $hidingIntro is 0 and $played is false)[
[[Continue -> Hiding Intro]]
] (else:)[
[[Continue -> Hide]]
</div>(set: $condoms to $condoms + 1)<img class="condom" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/condom.png" alt="health right condom" /><div class="outreach">The outreach worker arrives and passes out condoms. She asks whether you've heard of a new sex worker-led organization which has formed to mobilize the sex worker community and advocate for sex workers' human rights. She gives you some information about the group and invites you to join.
(if: $hidingIntro is 0 and $played is false)[
[[Continue -> Hiding Intro]]
] (else:)[
[[Continue -> Hide]]
</div>(set: $condoms to $condoms + 1)<img class="condom" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/condom.png" alt="health right condom" /><div class="outreach">It's chilly tonight. The outreach van arrives, and the outreach worker invites you inside to warm up, have a hot drink, and get a condom. She asks you what else her organization can do to make things easier for you on the street, and you tell her your biggest concern is the constant harassment and abuse by police.
(if: $hidingIntro is 0 and $played is false)[
[[Continue -> Hiding Intro]]
] (else:)[
[[Continue -> Hide]]
</div>(set: $condoms to $condoms + 1)<img class="condom" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/condom.png" alt="health right condom" /><div class="outreach">The outreach worker greets you by name, and gives you a condom. She tells you that her organization has just hired a lawyer who will be able to provide legal advice to sex workers. She says she knows that police frequently harass you and suggests you meet with the lawyer to talk about what actions you can take to report the abuse.
(if: $hidingIntro is 0 and $played is false)[
[[Continue -> Hiding Intro]]
] (else:)[
[[Continue -> Hide]]
</div><img class="police outreachCaught" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/police.png" alt="police">The police have been trailing the outreach van for a few nights, and tonight they stop the van and conduct a full search. They find several boxes of condoms and threaten to send the outreach worker to jail because they say she's promoting sex work, which is an ''illegal activity''. She's too shaken up to continue her work tonight and goes home ''without distributing condoms''.
[[ Continue -> Client]]{(set: $caughtCount to $caughtCount + 1)
(set: $currPolice to $policeDeckShuffled's (1))
(set: $policeDeckShuffled to (rotated: 1, ...$policeDeckShuffled))
} <img class="police" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/police.png" alt="police">
Oh no, you've been caught!
(if: $currPolice is 1)[[[Continue -> Caught1]]
](else-if: $currPolice is 2)[[[Continue -> Caught2]]
](else-if: $currPolice is 3)[[[Continue -> Caught3]]
](else-if: $currPolice is 4)[[[Continue -> Caught4]]
](else-if: $currPolice is 5)[[[Continue -> Caught5]]
](else-if: $currPolice is 6)[[[Continue -> Caught6]]
](else-if: $currPolice is 7)[[[Continue -> Caught7]]
](else-if: $currPolice is 8)[[[Continue -> Caught8]]
](else-if: $currPolice is 9)[[[Continue -> Caught9]]
](else-if: $currPolice is 10)[[[Continue -> Caught10]]
](else-if: $currPolice is 11)[[[Continue -> Caught11]]
](else-if: $currPolice is 12)[[[Continue -> Caught12]]
](else-if: $currPolice is 13)[[[Continue -> Caught13]]
](else-if: $currPolice is 14)[[[Continue -> Caught14]]
](else-if: $currPolice is 15)[[[Continue -> Caught15]]
](else-if: $currPolice is 16)[[[Continue -> Caught16]]
](else-if: $currPolice is 17)[[[Continue -> Caught17]]
](else-if: $currPolice is 18)[[[Continue -> Caught18]]
](else:)[[[Continue -> Caught19]]]
}{(set: $currSafe to $safeDeckShuffled's (1))
(if: $currSafe is 1)[Police search you but don't find any condoms so they have to let you go.
](else-if: $currSafe is 2)[Even though there is a policy that allows it, some police officers choose not to search or arrest for possession of condoms, including the ones currently on duty in your area.
](else-if: $currSafe is 3)[A police officer notices you standing on the street but chooses not to bother you.
](else-if: $currSafe is 4)[A police officer gives you a distrustful look and starts walking in your direction but then turns around and leaves suddenly.
](else-if: $currSafe is 5)[Last week the outreach worker told you about a sympathetic police officer who doesn't support arresting for condom possession. He's on duty tonight so he doesn’t search you.
](else:)[There's an emergency, and several police officers are called in to assist. There are no police around your area tonight.
(set: $safeDeckShuffled to (rotated: 1, ...$safeDeckShuffled))
} You are able to work tonight and hope to meet a generous client.
[[Continue -> Client]]
(set: $hidingIntro to 1)//Sex workers have reported needing to hide their condoms - including in their ''shoes'', ''boots'', ''wallet'', ''purse'', or ''underwear'' - out of fear of being caught in possession of condoms by police.//
[[Continue -> Hide]](set: $caught to (random: 0,7))(if: $round is 1)[Where would you like to hide your condom(unless: $condoms is 1)[s]?](else:)[Select where you'd like to hide your condom(unless: $condoms is 1)[s].]
(if: $money is 0)[
[[<img class="location" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/search_boots_shoes.png">-> Safe]][[<img class="location" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/search_purse_wallet.png">-> Safe]][[<img class="location" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/search_underwears.png">-> Safe]]
(else-if: $caught is 0 and $noSearchPower is 0)[
[[<img class="location" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/search_boots_shoes.png">-> Caught]][[<img class="location" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/search_purse_wallet.png">-> Safe]][[<img class="location" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/search_underwears.png">-> Safe]]
(else-if: $caught is 1 and $noSearchPower is 0)[
[[<img class="location" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/search_boots_shoes.png">-> Caught]][[<img class="location" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/search_purse_wallet.png">-> Caught]][[<img class="location" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/search_underwears.png">-> Safe]]
(else-if: $caught is 2 and $noSearchPower is 0)[
[[<img class="location" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/search_boots_shoes.png">-> Safe]][[<img class="location" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/search_purse_wallet.png">-> Caught]][[<img class="location" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/search_underwears.png">-> Safe]]
(else-if: $caught is 3 and $noSearchPower is 0)[
[[<img class="location" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/search_boots_shoes.png">-> Caught]][[<img class="location" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/search_purse_wallet.png">-> Caught]][[<img class="location" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/search_underwears.png">-> Caught]]
(else-if: $caught is 4 and $noSearchPower is 0)[
[[<img class="location" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/search_boots_shoes.png">-> Safe]][[<img class="location" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/search_purse_wallet.png">-> Safe]][[<img class="location" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/search_underwears.png">-> Caught]]
(else-if: $caught is 5 and $noSearchPower is 0)[
[[<img class="location" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/search_boots_shoes.png">-> Caught]][[<img class="location" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/search_purse_wallet.png">-> Safe]][[<img class="location" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/search_underwears.png">-> Caught]]
(else-if: $caught is 6 and $noSearchPower is 0)[
[[<img class="location" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/search_boots_shoes.png">-> Safe]][[<img class="location" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/search_purse_wallet.png">-> Safe]][[<img class="location" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/search_underwears.png">-> Safe]]
(else-if: $caught is 7 and $noSearchPower is 0)[
[[<img class="location" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/search_boots_shoes.png">-> Safe]][[<img class="location" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/search_purse_wallet.png">-> Caught]][[<img class="location" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/search_underwears.png">-> Caught]]
(else-if: $caught is 0 and $noSearchPower is 1)[
[[<img class="location" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/search_boots_shoes.png">-> Avoid Search]][[<img class="location" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/search_purse_wallet.png">-> Safe]][[<img class="location" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/search_underwears.png">-> Safe]]
(else-if: $caught is 1 and $noSearchPower is 1)[
[[<img class="location" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/search_boots_shoes.png">-> Avoid Search]][[<img class="location" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/search_purse_wallet.png">-> Avoid Search]][[<img class="location" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/search_underwears.png">-> Safe]]
(else-if: $caught is 2 and $noSearchPower is 1)[
[[<img class="location" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/search_boots_shoes.png">-> Safe]][[<img class="location" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/search_purse_wallet.png">-> Avoid Search]][[<img class="location" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/search_underwears.png">-> Safe]]
(else-if: $caught is 3 and $noSearchPower is 1)[
[[<img class="location" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/search_boots_shoes.png">-> Avoid Search]][[<img class="location" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/search_purse_wallet.png">-> Avoid Search]][[<img class="location" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/search_underwears.png">-> Avoid Search]]
(else-if: $caught is 4 and $noSearchPower is 1)[
[[<img class="location" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/search_boots_shoes.png">-> Safe]][[<img class="location" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/search_purse_wallet.png">-> Safe]][[<img class="location" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/search_underwears.png">-> Avoid Search]]
(else-if: $caught is 5 and $noSearchPower is 1)[
[[<img class="location" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/search_boots_shoes.png">-> Avoid Search]][[<img class="location" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/search_purse_wallet.png">-> Safe]][[<img class="location" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/search_underwears.png">-> Avoid Search]]
(else-if: $caught is 6 and $noSearchPower is 1)[
[[<img class="location" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/search_boots_shoes.png">-> Safe]][[<img class="location" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/search_purse_wallet.png">-> Safe]][[<img class="location" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/search_underwears.png">-> Safe]]
(else-if: $caught is 7 and $noSearchPower is 1)[
[[<img class="location" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/search_boots_shoes.png">-> Safe]][[<img class="location" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/search_purse_wallet.png">-> Avoid Search]][[<img class="location" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/search_underwears.png">-> Avoid Search]]
{(set: $condoms to 0)
A police officer takes and burns your condom(if: $condoms > 1)[s]. You may continue to work, but you will not have any condoms to use.}
//Real Voices:
A sex worker in Namibia said, "Police take our condoms and destroy them."//
[[Continue -> Client]] {(set: $condoms to 0)
(if: $money < 61)[(set: $payment to $money)
](else-if: $money < 81)[(set: $payment to (either: 60,$money))
](else-if: $money < 101)[(set: $payment to (either: 60,80,$money))
](else-if: $money < 121)[(set: $payment to (either: 60,80,100,$money))
](else:)[(set: $payment to (either: 60,80,100,120))
A police officer destroys your condom(if: $condoms > 1)[s] and demands you give him $(print: $payment) or else he will lock you up in jail.
//Real Voices:
A sex worker in Kenya said, "If I don’t have money to bribe police when they get me with a condom, I will be taken to court and charged."//
What do you choose to do?
[[Pay him $(print: $payment). -> Pay then Client]]
[[Go to jail. -> Go to Jail]]{
(set: $condoms to 0)
(if: $money < 61)[(set: $payment to $money)
](else-if: $money < 81)[(set: $payment to (either: 60,$money))
](else-if: $money < 101)[(set: $payment to (either: 60,80,$money))
](else-if: $money < 121)[(set: $payment to (either: 60,80,100,$money))
](else:)[(set: $payment to (either: 60,80,100,120))
(set: $money to $money - $payment)
A police officer takes and crushes your condom(if: $condoms > 1)[s] with his boot. He demands you give him $(print: $payment). You may continue to work, but you will not have any condoms to use.
You (either: 'reluctantly', 'are devestated but know you have to') hand over the $(print: $payment).
//Real Voices:
A sex worker in Namibia said, "The police threw my condom on the ground and stepped on it over and over until it was destroyed."//
[[Continue -> Client]]
A police officer finds your condom(if: $condoms > 1)[s] and puts you in the police van. He demands you have sex with him using your condom or else go to jail. If you agree to have sex with him, then you can go back to work. If you don’t comply, you must spend the night in jail.
//Real Voices:
A sex worker in Kenya said, "Sometimes they ask for sex in exchange for our freedom."//
What do you choose to do?
[[Have sex with the police officer so you can continue working tonight. -> Have Sex with Condom then Client]]
[[Go to jail. -> Go to Jail]]
A police officer demands you use (if: $condoms > 1)[one of your condoms](else:)[your condom] to have sex with him or else he will arrest you and use the condom as evidence that you were engaging in prostitution.
//Real Voices:
A sex worker in New York said, "They say 'Give me a blow job and I won’t lock you up'... You have to obey."//
What do you choose to do?
[[Have sex with the police officer and continue working tonight. -> Have Sex with Condom then Client]]
[[Go to jail. -> Go to Jail]]
{(set: $condoms to 0)
A police officer insults you and takes your condom(if: $condoms > 1)[s]. He threatens to throw you in jail unless you have unprotected sex with him. If you comply, you may expose yourself to a sexually transmitted infection. But if you go to jail, you will not be able to work tonight.}
//Real Voices:
A sex worker in Namibia said, "People who are supposed to render us protection actually are the ones who harm us. I was raped and brutally beaten."//
What do you choose to do?
[[Have unprotected sex with the police officer. -> Sex without Condom then Client]]
[[Go to jail. -> Go to Jail]]{(set: $condoms to 0)
A police officer takes and destroys your condom(if: $condoms > 1)[s]. He threatens to throw you in jail unless you have unprotected sex with him. If you comply, you may expose myself to a sexually transmitted infection.}
//Real Voices:
A sex worker in South Africa said, "I had sex with two police [officers] against my will. I was threatened that I would be sentenced so I had sex with them."//
What do you choose to do?
[[Have unprotected sex with him so you can continue working tonight. -> Sex without Condom then Client]]
[[Go to jail with no chance of earning money tonight. -> Go to Jail]]{(set: $condoms to 0)
(if: $money < 61)[(set: $payment to $money)
](else-if: $money < 81)[(set: $payment to (either: 60,$money))
](else-if: $money < 101)[(set: $payment to (either: 60,80,$money))
](else-if: $money < 121)[(set: $payment to (either: 60,80,100,$money))
](else:)[(set: $payment to (either: 60,80,100,120))
A police officer takes your condom(if: $condoms > 1)[s]. He demands you pay him $(print: $payment) or else he will put you in jail for the night. If you pay him you can still work tonight without a condom.
//Real Voices:
A sex worker in Namibia said, "You are facing a big problem, because sometimes you will go with a client without a condom and put your life at risk."//
What do you choose to do?
[[Pay him $(print: $payment) and continue to work. -> Pay then Client]]
[[Go to jail. -> Go to Jail]]{(set: $condoms to 0)
(if: $money < 61)[(set: $payment to $money)
](else-if: $money < 81)[(set: $payment to (either: 60,$money))
](else-if: $money < 101)[(set: $payment to (either: 60,80,$money))
](else-if: $money < 121)[(set: $payment to (either: 60,80,100,$money))
](else:)[(set: $payment to (either: 60,80,100,120))
A police officer takes your condom(if: $condoms > 1)[s] and insults you. He demands you give him $(print: $payment) or else he will put you in jail for the night. If you pay him, you can still work tonight without a condom.
//According to findings from the Open Society Foundations’ 2012
Criminalizing Condoms report: In Zimbabwe, 18 out of 21 sex workers (85%) surveyed said they had been extorted by police.//
What do you choose to do?
[[Pay him $(print: $payment). -> Pay then Client]]
[[Go to jail. -> Go to Jail]]{
(if: $money < 61)[(set: $payment to $money)
](else-if: $money < 81)[(set: $payment to (either: 60,$money))
](else-if: $money < 101)[(set: $payment to (either: 60,80,$money))
](else-if: $money < 121)[(set: $payment to (either: 60,80,100,$money))
](else:)[(set: $payment to (either: 60,80,100,120))
A police officer finds your condom(if: $condoms > 1)[s] and says it is evidence of prostitution. If you pay him $(print: $payment), he will let you go back to work with your condom(if: $condoms > 1)[s]. If you do not pay him, he will take your condom(if: $condoms > 1)[s] away and send you home so you will
not get any clients tonight.
//Real Voices:
A sex worker charged with prostitution in Russia said, "They wrote it in the arrest report as follows: ‘Had condoms on her person."//
What do you choose to do?
[[Pay him $(print: $payment) and continue to work. -> Pay then Client]]
[[Head home with no condoms. -> Lose Condoms then Home]]
{(set: $condoms to 0)
A police officer takes your condom(if: $condoms > 1)[s] and beats you until you are in too much pain to work. You must go back home to recover for the night.}
//Real Voices:
A sex worker in Russia said, "Forget the clients after that, you need to lie down for a while after [a visit to the] station house."//
[[Head home with no condoms. -> Go Home]]
{(set: $condoms to 0)
A police officer takes your condom(if: $condoms > 1)[s] and kicks you hard. You must spend the rest of the night at home recovering.}
//Real Voices:
A sex worker in Russia said, "They beat you on your kidneys, so there would be no marks."//
[[Head home with no condoms. -> Go Home]] {(set: $condoms to 0)
A police officer takes your condom(if: $condoms > 1)[s] and says this is proof that you are a sex worker. He handcuffs you and marchs you down the street. He lets you go after he has humiliated you thoroughly. You can choose to go find a client, but you won't have a condom to use.}
//Real Voices:
A sex worker in Zimbabwe said, "They empty all the things you are carrying and parade you half naked in handcuffs."//
[[Continue -> Client]] {(set: $condoms to 0)
A police officer takes your condom(if: $condoms > 1)[s]. He puts you in handcuffs and shows you off to other police officers who laugh at you before letting you go. You can choose to go back to work without a condom.}
//Real Voices:
A sex worker in Kenya said, "You cannot complain or go report to fellow police, because they will protect their own."//
[[Go back to work without a condom. -> Client]]
[[Go home embarrassed and upset. -> Go Home]]
{(set: $condoms to 0)
A police officer takes your condom(if: $condoms > 1)[s] and calls you a whore. He rips off your clothes and makes you walk home like that. You cannot work the rest of the night.}
//According to findings from the Open Society Foundations’ 2012
Criminalizing Condoms report: In South Africa, 16 out of 20 sex workers (80%) surveyed said they had been intimidated or harassed by police for being a sex worker or doing sex work.//
[[Head home disheveled and empty handed. -> Go Home]] {(set: $condoms to 0)
(if: $money < 61)[(set: $payment to $money)
](else-if: $money < 81)[(set: $payment to (either: 60,$money))
](else-if: $money < 101)[(set: $payment to (either: 60,80,$money))
](else-if: $money < 121)[(set: $payment to (either: 60,80,100,$money))
](else:)[(set: $payment to (either: 60,80,100,120))
A police officer takes your condom(if: $condoms > 1)[s] and insults you. He demands you give him $(print: $payment) and he will let you work tonight. If you do not pay him, your best bet is to go home and call it a night.
//Real Voices:
A sex worker in New York said, "Police arrested me for prostitution and found three condoms in my bra. They made fun of me and took the condoms away."//
What do you choose to do?
[[Pay him $(print: $payment). -> Pay then Client]]
[[Head home. -> Go Home]]{(set: $condoms to 0)
(if: $money < 61)[(set: $payment to $money)
](else-if: $money < 81)[(set: $payment to (either: 60,$money))
](else-if: $money < 101)[(set: $payment to (either: 60,80,$money))
](else-if: $money < 121)[(set: $payment to (either: 60,80,100,$money))
](else:)[(set: $payment to (either: 60,80,100,120))
}A police officer takes your condom(if: $condoms > 1)[s] and $(print: $payment)(set: $money to $money - $payment) of your own hard-earned money. He then drives you out to the middle of nowhere and leaves you there alone. You must then have unprotected sex with a client in order to earn enough money to get home.
//Real Voices:
A sex worker in Namibia said, "A police officer picked me up and drove with me until late. He went and stopped in a dark place and forced me to have sex with him."//
[[Continue -> Caught17 Part 2]]{(set: $condoms to 0)
(if: $money < 61)[(set: $payment to $money)
](else-if: $money < 81)[(set: $payment to (either: 60,$money))
](else-if: $money < 101)[(set: $payment to (either: 60,80,$money))
](else-if: $money < 121)[(set: $payment to (either: 60,80,100,$money))
](else:)[(set: $payment to (either: 60,80,100,120))
}A police officer detains you and takes your condom(if: $condoms > 1)[s] as evidence that you are engaged in prostitution. You are tried and ordered to pay a fine of $(print: $payment)(set: $money to $money - $payment). After being released you must find a client so you can pay for the bus to get home.
//According to findings from the Open Society Foundations’ 2012 Criminalizing Condoms report: In Russia, 6 out of 10 sex workers (60%) surveyed said police had used condoms as evidence against them.//
[[Continue -> Caught18 Part 2]]{(set: $condoms to 0)
(if: $money < 61)[(set: $payment to $money)
](else-if: $money < 81)[(set: $payment to (either: 60,$money))
](else-if: $money < 101)[(set: $payment to (either: 60,80,$money))
](else-if: $money < 121)[(set: $payment to (either: 60,80,100,$money))
](else:)[(set: $payment to (either: 60,80,100,120))
A police officer takes your condom(if: $condoms > 1)[s]. He threatens to arrest you unless you give him $(print: $payment). If you pay him, you can still work tonight. But if not, you will spend tonight in jail.
//According to findings from the Open Society Foundations’ 2012 Criminalizing Condoms report: In the United States, 13 out of 25 sex workers (52%) surveyed said there had been times when they opted not to carry condoms because they were afraid it would mean problems with the police.//
What do you choose to do?
[[Pay him $(print: $payment). -> Pay then Client]]
[[Go to jail. -> Go to Jail]]{(set: $clientOffer to $moneyDeckShuffled's (1))(set: $moneyDeckShuffled to (rotated: 1, ...$moneyDeckShuffled)) A client offers you $(print: $clientOffer). (if: $condoms <= 0 and $extraCondomPower is 1)[And you're in luck! (print: $characterExtraCondom)
<br />]
What would you like to do?
(if: $condoms <= 0 and $extraCondomPower is 0)[(set: $condoms to 0)
[[Take the offer without a condom and earn $(print: $clientOffer). -> Client without Condom]] <br />
[[Pass on the offer. -> No client]]
](else-if: $condoms <= 0 and $extraCondomPower is 1)[(set: $condoms to 1)(set: $extraCondomPower to 0)
[[Take the offer using this condom and earn $(print: $clientOffer). -> Client with Condom]]<br />
[[Take the offer without a condom and earn $(print: $clientOffer). -> Client without Condom]]<br />
[[Don't take the offer. -> No client]]
](else-if: $condoms > 0)[
[[Take the offer using your condom and earn $(print: $clientOffer). -> Client with Condom]]<br />
[[Take the offer without a condom and earn $(print: $clientOffer). -> Client without Condom]]<br />
[[Don't take the offer. -> No client]]
(set: $random to (a:1,2,3,4,5))
(if: $random is 1)[
You just paid $(print: $payment) so you went from having $(print: $money)(set: $money to $money - $payment) to $(print: $money). You need to work extra hard if you're going to reach your $500 goal.
](else-if: $random is 2)[(set: $money to $money - $payment) You just handed over $(print: $payment) so you really need to take clients in order (print: $financialGoal).
](else:)[You paid the police and now have (set: $money to $money - $payment) $(print: $money) saved.
[[Continue -> Client]](set: $jailCount to $jailCount +1)(print: (either: "You're spending the night in jail and therefore cannot work tonight.", "You had a run in with the police and are now paying for it by spending the night in jail and not being able to work."))
[[Continue ->Character Persona]]{(set: $exposedCount to $exposedCount + 1)
(set: $money to $money + $clientOffer)
You took the client without a condom and earned $(print: $clientOffer).}
[[Continue ->Character Persona]]You chose not to take the client so your current savings remains the same.
[[Continue ->Character Persona]]{(set: $condoms to $condoms - 1)
(set: $money to $money + $clientOffer)
$name, (either:'you took the client and protected your health by using a condom.', 'good decision to use a condom and to protect your health.')
[[Continue ->Character Persona]]{
(if: $name is "JoJo")[
<div class="jojo character"><h1 class="name">''$name''</h1></div>
](else-if: $name is "Naomi")[
<div class="naomi character"><h1 class="name">''$name''</h1></div>
](else-if: $name is "Billy")[
<div class="billy character"><h1 class="name">''$name''</h1></div>
](else-if: $name is "Suzy")[
<div class="suzy character"><h1 class="name">''$name''</h1></div>
](else-if: $name is "Ivy")[
<div class="ivy character"><h1 class="name">''$name''</h1></div>
<div class="danny character"><h1 class="name">''$name''</h1></div>]
}$name, your personal goals are:
* to ''$healthGoal'' and
* to ''earn $500'' $financialGoal.
(display: "Start Money"){
(if: $gameEnd is false)[(set:$currRound to $round)(set: $round to $round + 1)]
(else:)[Time's up, (print: $name). Let's see how you did.
<br /><br />
[[Continue -> Game End]]
] (else:)[
(set: $nightsRemaining to 6 - $round)
(set: $currPersona to $personaDeckShuffled's (1))
(either: "It's the end of day $currRound, and you have $$money towards your $500 goal", "Time to call it a night", "The day is over. Let's hope tomorrow is a lucrative one"). Keep working towards your financial goal{(unless: $round is 2 or $round is 3 or $round is 5)[(print: ' ')(print: $financialGoal)]}.
<br /><br />
(if: $currPersona is 1)[(set: $noSearchPower to 1)
[[Continue -> Outreach 2-6]]
](else-if: $currPersona is 2)[(set: $extraCondomPower to 1)
[[Continue -> Outreach 2-6]]
](else-if: $currPersona is 3)[
[[Continue -> Persona Police Search]]
](else-if: $currPersona is 4)[
[[Continue ->Persona Info 1]]
](else-if: $currPersona is 5)[
[[Continue -> Persona Info 2]]
(set: $personaDeckShuffled to (rotated: 1, ...$personaDeckShuffled))
}Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.{
(if:$money >=500)[Congratulations $name, you earned enough money $financialGoal.
](else:)[$name, unfortunately you were $(print: (500-$money)) short of your financial goal $financialGoal.
Remember your other goal to avoid a sexually transmitted infection?
[[Oh yeah. How did I do meeting that goal? -> STI check]] {
(if: $round >= 6)[(set: $gameEnd to true)]
(set: $currOutreach to $outreachDeckShuffled's (1))
(either: "Let's see what your local outreach worker is up to tonight.", "$name, it's time to check in with your local outreach worker.")
(set: $outreachDeckShuffled to (rotated: 1, ...$outreachDeckShuffled))
(if: $currOutreach is 1)[
[[Continue -> OutreachOne]]
](else-if: $currOutreach is 2)[
[[Continue -> OutreachTwo]]
](else-if: $currOutreach is 3)[
[[Continue -> OutreachThree]]
](else-if: $currOutreach is 4)[
[[Continue -> OutreachFour]]
](else-if: $currOutreach is 5)[
[[Continue -> OutreachFive]]
[[Continue -> OutreachSix]]
(set: $condoms to 0)
(if: $money < 61)[(set: $payment to $money)
](else-if: $money < 81)[(set: $payment to (either: 60,$money))
](else-if: $money < 101)[(set: $payment to (either: 60,80,$money))
](else-if: $money < 121)[(set: $payment to (either: 60,80,100,$money))
](else:)[(set: $payment to (either: 60,80,100,120))
}<img class="police" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/police.png" alt="police"><div class="police_event">
{(if: $name is 'JoJo')[Earlier today you were on your way back from a day of shopping with a friend, buying clothes for work, and the police stopped you. They started to say insulting things, right there in broad daylight for the whole neighborhood to hear. They emptied your bag and took your condoms and demanded you give them $(print: $payment) or they would send you to jail.
](else-if: $name is 'Naomi')[Last night you got into a car with someone you thought was a client, but then he showed you his badge and said he was a police officer. He refused to pay for sex and said you should give him $(print: $payment) instead or else he'd arrest me.
](else-if: $name is 'Billy')[Yesterday you were out during the day doing your grocery shopping and you ran into one of the police officers who beat you up last year. He threatened to beat you up again and demanded $(print: $payment).]
(else-if: $name is 'Suzy')[Last time you were out on the street working, a client refused to pay after receiving services, beat you up and fled the scene. When you went to the police, they refused to register the complaint saying you got what you deserved. Then they demanded you pay $(print: $payment) or they'll throw you in jail for the night.
](else-if: $name is 'Ivy')[The police officers in the neighborhood know you're a sex worker who uses drugs. After your last client last night you started to head home. On the way the police stopped you and threatened to detain you - also forcing you to go through drug withdrawal in custody -
if you don't give them $(print: $payment).
](else-if: $name is 'Danny')[Last night you ran out of condoms because you only like to carry one or two at a time, in case the police stop you. An outreach van pulled up just in time for you to get more condoms. Unfortunately, the police, who had been following the van all night, saw you leaving the outreach van, stopped you, found the condoms, and demanded $(print: $payment).]}
What do you do?
[[Pay the police $(print: $payment). -> Pay then Outreach Worker]]
[[Go to jail. -> Go to Jail]]
(if: $name is 'JoJo')[Your boyfriend just learned that you are a sex worker and he's threatened to leave you if you do not stop selling sex, but the two of you have no other source of income at the moment.]
(else-if: $name is 'Naomi')[Your 8-year-old daughter is doing well in school after a period of struggling to keep up. She’s excited to continue with her studies and you're feeling extra pressure to make sure you earn enough money to pay for her school fees.]
(else-if: $name is 'Billy')[You go out to the street to work and check in with other sex workers about the kind of night they’re having, when a police car pulls up and the officers shine the headlights in your face and start insulting you, calling you names and humiliating you. You want to answer back, but you are afraid they’ll beat you up again or arrest you.]
(else-if: $name is 'Suzy')[You run into a former co-worker from a strip club where you used to dance. She’s now a bartender at an upscale nightclub. She says she doesn’t earn as much money as she used to doing exotic dancing but that she likes bartending a lot better.]
(else-if: $name is 'Ivy')[Your drug addiction is costing you a lot of money each month and harming your health. It also makes you vulnerable to police pressure. You consider following up on an outreach worker’s offer to find you a rehab facility. But after a bad date with an abusive client, you continue using drugs.]
(else-if: $name is 'Danny')[You catch the flu from another resident at the shelter where you're living. You can't stay at the shelter during the day so you don't get a chance to rest. At night you need to keep working to earn enough money for food and hopefully save for rent on a room.]
[[Continue -> Outreach 2-6]]{(if: $name is 'JoJo')[You go for a consultation with a doctor to talk about starting to take hormones and he tells you about a new type of estrogen therapy on the market that is cheaper and has fewer side effects. You feel encouraged by the news and feel ready to begin the therapy as soon as you have the money.
](else-if: $name is 'Naomi')[It’s been a few years since you had a full physical and other health exams and now you're experiencing shortness of breath and frequent headaches. You suspect you are having anxiety attacks, but whenever you go to the health clinic they are so insulting about you being a sex worker that you turn around and leave without getting any treatment.]
(else-if: $name is 'Billy')[The cousin you borrowed money from for the knee operation is impatient about being paid back and is trying to find you to demand his money. He knows you do sex work and which corners you usually work on, so you have to work in a new neighborhood where you don’t know the other sex workers or regular clients well and where you feel less safe.]
(else-if: $name is 'Suzy')[You tell another sex worker about your idea of opening a hair salon. She says she's saved a decent amount of money this past year and if you can save the amount of money you've planned to, she will partner up with you to
start the business.]
(else-if: $name is 'Ivy')[You are eager to pursue your dream of working at an NGO that promotes sex workers’ rights. You meet with an outreach worker at her office and she tells you more about the kind of training and education you need and encourages you to pursue your goal.]
(else-if: $name is 'Danny')[You hear from another transgender sex worker about a room that may be available to rent, which encourages you to keep saving.]
[[Continue -> Outreach 2-6]] You just paid $(print: $payment)(set: $money to $money - $payment). This doesn't help you in reaching your goal (print: $financialGoal).
[[Continue -> Outreach 2-6]](set: $noSearchPower to 0)(print: $characterSafety)
[[Continue -> Client]]{<header>
(if: $restartDisplay is 1)[<div id="restart"><a href="javascript:history.go(0)"><img id="refresh" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/CR_restart.png" title="restart button" /></a></div>]
(if: $showHeader is true)[(if: $name is "JoJo")[<div class="jojo character"><h1 class="name">''$name''</h1>//Day (print: $round) of 6//<br />You have $(print: $money) and $condoms condom(unless: $condoms is 1)[s].(if: $exposedCount > 0)[<br />You've had unprotected sex $exposedCount time(unless: $exposedCount is 1)[s].<br /><br />]</div>
](else-if: $name is "Naomi")[<div class="naomi character"><h1 class="name">''$name''</h1>//Day (print: $round) of 6//<br />You have $(print: $money) and $condoms condom(unless: $condoms is 1)[s].(if: $exposedCount > 0)[<br />You've had unprotected sex $exposedCount time(unless: $exposedCount is 1)[s].<br /><br />]</div>
](else-if: $name is "Billy")[<div class="billy character"><h1 class="name">''$name''</h1>//Day (print: $round) of 6//<br />You have $(print: $money) and $condoms condom(unless: $condoms is 1)[s].(if: $exposedCount > 0)[<br />You've had unprotected sex $exposedCount time(unless: $exposedCount is 1)[s].<br /><br />]</div>
](else-if: $name is "Danny")[<div class="danny character"><h1 class="name">''$name''</h1>//Day (print: $round) of 6//<br />You have $(print: $money) and $condoms condom(unless: $condoms is 1)[s].(if: $exposedCount > 0)[<br />You've had unprotected sex $exposedCount time(unless: $exposedCount is 1)[s].<br /><br />]</div>
](else-if: $name is "Suzy")[<div class="suzy character"><h1 class="name">''$name''</h1>//Day (print: $round) of 6//<br />You have $(print: $money) and $condoms condom(unless: $condoms is 1)[s].(if: $exposedCount > 0)[<br />You've had unprotected sex $exposedCount time(unless: $exposedCount is 1)[s].<br /><br />]</div>
](else-if: $name is "Ivy")[<div class="ivy character"><h1 class="name">''$name''</h1>//Day (print: $round) of 6//<br />You have $(print: $money) and $condoms condom(unless: $condoms is 1)[s].(if: $exposedCount > 0)[<br />You've had unprotected sex $exposedCount time(unless: $exposedCount is 1)[s].<br /><br />]</div>]]
</header>}(set: $restartDisplay to 1)Would you like to play //''Cops and Rubbers''// and see the impact of this policy?
[[Yes, let's start playing. ->Assign Character]]
<div class="subtext">
//[[First I'd like to know a little more about Cops and Rubbers. -> Learn more]]//
(set: $restartDisplay to 0)
(set: $gameEnd to false)
(set: $characterDeck to (a:1,2,3,4,5,6))
(set: $characterDeckShuffled to (shuffled: ...$characterDeck))
(set: $characterNumber to $characterDeckShuffled's (1))
(set: $showHeader to false)
(set: $played to false)
(set: $condoms to 0)
(set: $exposedCount to 0)
(set: $round to 1)
(set: $hidingIntro to 0)
(set: $noSearchPower to 0)
(set: $extraCondomPower to 0)
(set: $STI to 0)
(set: $jailCount to 0)
(set: $homeCount to 0)
(set: $caughtCount to 0)
(set: $characterDeckShuffled to (rotated: 1, ...$characterDeckShuffled))
(set: $characterNumber to $characterDeckShuffled's (1))
(set: $moneyDeck to (a:60,60,60,60,60,80,80,80,80,80,80,100,100,100,100,100,120,120,120,120,120,120))
(set: $moneyDeckShuffled to (shuffled: ...$moneyDeck))
(set: $money to $moneyDeckShuffled's (1))
(set: $moneyDeckShuffled to (rotated: 1, ...$moneyDeckShuffled))
(set: $policeDeck to (a:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19))
(set: $policeDeckShuffled to (shuffled: ...$policeDeck))
(set: $safeDeck to (a:1,2,3,4,5,6))
(set: $safeDeckShuffled to (shuffled: ...$safeDeck))
(set: $personaDeck to (a:1,2,3,4,5))
(set: $personaDeckShuffled to (shuffled: ...$personaDeck))
}<img class="logo" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/logo.png" alt="Cops and Rubbers logo" /> //In countries around the world condoms are treated as contraband when it comes to sex workers. Police often consider condoms as evidence of prostitution, forcing sex workers to choose between safeguarding their health and avoiding harassment and arrest.//{
(set: $played to true)
(set: $showHeader to 0)
(if: $exposedCount is 0)[You've achieved your health goal of avoiding an STI by not engaging in unprotected sex.
You took some risk and had unprotected sex(unless: $exposedCount is 1)[ $exposedCount times].
(set: $exposedValue to (random:1,$exposedCount *3))
(if: $exposedValue <= $exposedCount)[(set:$STI to 1)
](else:)[You are lucky that your risky behavior didn't lead to an STI, but you might not be so lucky next time.
(if: $STI is 0 and $money >= 500)[
Congratulations on achieving both of your goals. However, this is not always the reality for many sex workers whose health and human rights are often threatened because police can treat condoms as contraband and therefore can extort money and more.
](else-if: $STI is 1 and $money >= 500)[
You were able to earn enough money $financialGoal, but unfortunately you didn't achieve your health goal to avoid an STI. This is the reality for many sex workers whose health and human rights are threatened by the treatment of condoms as contraband.
](else-if: $STI is 0 and $money <= 500)[
You were unable to earn enough money $financialGoal, but at least you were able to avoid an STI. Many sex workers find themselves in similar situations where they cannot provide for their basic needs. This is because the possession of condoms is considered grounds for imprisonment and therefore police officers can threaten to arrest sex workers unless they pay or give sexual favors.
You had a really tough week and struggled to achieve your financial and health goals. You were unable to earn enough money $financialGoal. Also, your risky behavior ultimately resulted in an STI, and you know that the only times you had unprotected sex were when a police officer got in the way of you and your condoms. This isn't just $name's reality: it's the reality for many sex workers in countries with an active condoms as evidence of prostitution policy.]
<section class="results">
''Your Game Stats''
* Money saved by deadline: $$money
* Times caught by police: $caughtCount
* Unprotected sex count: $exposedCount
* Nights spent in jail: $jailCount
* Avoided an STI: (if: $STI is 0)[Yes](else:)[No]
* Nights spent at home: $homeCount
<div class="survey"><b><a href="https://goo.gl/VhUke3" target="_blank" />Please take a minute to share these stats and send comments about your gameplay.</a></b></div>
Play again as another character?
[[Yes, I'd like to play again. ->Assign Character]]
[[Not right now, but I want to learn more about the game and this issue. -> Learn more]]
<img class="logo" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/logo.png" alt="Cops and Rubbers logo" />
(set: $condoms to $condoms - 1)
(either: "You felt pressure to sleep with the police officer because you really didn't want to go to jail. At least you're able to work and possible earn some more money.", "It wasn't pleasant, but you got through it and are on the look out for a generous client.")
[[Continue -> Client]] (set: $exposedCount to $exposedCount +1 )
You know it was kind of risky, but you felt it necessary to have unprotected sex so that you'd have a chance to earn some more money tonight.
[[Continue -> Client]]
(print: (either: "You are unable to work tonight.", "You stay home tonight and hope for a better day and night tomorrow."))
[[Continue ->Character Persona]](set: $homeCount to $homeCount +1)(print: (either: "You are unable to work tonight.", "You stay home tonight and hope for a better day and night tomorrow."))
[[Continue ->Character Persona]]{(set: $exposedCount to $exposedCount + 1)
After paying for a ride home, you earned $(set: $earnings to (either: 50, 70, 90, 110))(print: $earnings)(set: $money to $money + $earnings) but also exposed yourself to some risk.}
[[Continue ->Character Persona]]{(set: $exposedCount to $exposedCount + 1)
You found a client so after paying for a ride home, you earned an extra $(set: $earnings to (either: 50, 70, 90, 110))(print:$earnings)(set: $money to $money + $earnings) but also exposed yourself to some (if: $exposedCount > 0)[more] risk.}
[[Continue ->Character Persona]]
(set: $caught to (random: 0,1))
Where would you like to hide your condom(unless: $condoms is 1)[s]?
(if: $money is 0)[
* [[shoes/boots -> Safe]]
* [[wallet/purse -> Safe]]
* [[underwear -> Safe]]
] (else-if: $caught is 0 and $noSearchPower is 0)[
* [[shoes/boots -> Caught]]
* [[wallet/purse -> Caught]]
* [[underwear -> Caught]]
] (else-if: $caught is 0 and $noSearchPower is 1)[
* [[shoes/boots -> Avoid Search]]
* [[wallet/purse -> Avoid Search]]
* [[underwear -> Avoid Search]]
] (else:)[
* [[shoes/boots -> Safe]]
* [[wallet/purse -> Safe]]
* [[underwear -> Safe]]
(set: $showHeader to true)
(set: $outreachDeck to (a: 1,2,3,4,5,6))(set: $outreachDeckShuffled to (shuffled: ...$outreachDeck))(set: $currOutreach to $outreachDeckShuffled's (1))
}//In many countries, particularly those affected by the condoms as evidence policy, there are ''outreach workers'' who help provide important information and services to sex workers, including ''providing condoms'', which can help you (print: $healthGoal).//
$name, let's see what your local outreach worker is up to tonight.
(if: $currOutreach is 1)[
[[Continue -> OutreachOne]]
](else-if: $currOutreach is 2)[
[[Continue -> OutreachTwo]]
](else-if: $currOutreach is 3)[
[[Continue -> OutreachThree]]
](else-if: $currOutreach is 4)[
[[Continue -> OutreachFour]]
](else-if: $currOutreach is 5)[
[[Continue -> OutreachFive]]
[[Continue -> OutreachSix]]
(set: $outreachDeckShuffled to (rotated: 1, ...$outreachDeckShuffled))
}(set: $currOutreach to $outreachDeckShuffled's (1))
(either: "$name, let's see what your local outreach worker is up to tonight.", "$name, time to check in with your outreach worker.")
(set: $outreachDeckShuffled to (rotated: 1, ...$outreachDeckShuffled))
(if: $currOutreach is 1)[
[[Continue -> OutreachOne]]
](else-if: $currOutreach is 2)[
[[Continue -> OutreachTwo]]
](else-if: $currOutreach is 3)[
[[Continue -> OutreachThree]]
](else-if: $currOutreach is 4)[
[[Continue -> OutreachFour]]
](else-if: $currOutreach is 5)[
[[Continue -> OutreachFive]]
[[Continue -> OutreachSix]]
}You have $(print: $money) and $condoms condom(unless: $condoms is 1)[s].(if: $exposedCount > 0)[<br />You've had unprotected sex $exposedCount time(unless: $exposedCount is 1)[s].](if: $restartDisplay is 1)[<div id="restart"><a href="javascript:history.go(0)"><img id="refresh" src="http://copsandrubbers.com/play/images/CR_restart.png" title="restart button" /></a></div>]